NUDITY REVIEW: Sgt. Ernesto Boy Ybanez Tirtir Gang 1988 + Berdugo Ng Escalante 1989
featuring: Carol Dauden, Myleen Gonzales aka Myleen Zapanta and Pepsi Paloma II
Sorry. No Available Synopsis/Storyline/Plot.
Carol Dauden
Sexy: Bed Scene (Towel Wrap) | Swimsuit | Cleavage
Myleen Gonzales aka Myleen Zapanta
Sexy: Bra | Cleavage
Pepsi Paloma II
Sexy: Sex Scene (Covered) | Bra | Cleavage
3.9/10 Stars (Tirtir Gang 1988)
4.8/10 Stars (Berdugo Ng Escalante 1989)
Double header. Films with short sexy scenes or not enough quantity sexy scenes or no nudity at all. Didn't pass our criteria to make it into a full single collection.